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Parasoft at embedded world DIGITAL

Agentur Lorenzoni News Details

Published by by Beate Lorenzoni

Parasoft C/C++test v2021.1 Simplifies Embedded Safety and Security Software Testing

Parasoft C/C++test v2021.1 incorporates many new features

Parasoft, a global leader in automated software testing for over 30 years, announces the 2021.1 release of Parasoft C/C++test, the unified C and C++ development testing solution for embedded applications. This release gives embedded development teams the speed and efficiency of a modern, highly automated CI/CD pipeline with fully integrated static and unit testing for delivery of continuous compliance and quality.

Parasoft will be an exhibitor at embedded world 2021 DIGITAL. To learn more about their latest testing solutions for embedded applications, visit their company profile page during the digital event.

Parasoft C/C++test 2021.1 simplifies and streamlines embedded testing with new features as:

  • Deliver quality software at speed with seamless integration with GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab, and MS Azure DevOps for defining pipelines for automated static analysis and unit testing, supporting the increasing trend to migrate to Git-based CI/CD platforms and workflows.
  • Improve traceability visibility with one unified solution to verify and validate requirements with Jama Software’s Jama Connect. The bi-directional data exchange bridges the gap between requirements and tests that validate them. It offers full traceability down to the code, fulfilling compliance to developing process standards such as ISO 26262, DO-178B/C, IEC 62304, IEC 61508, and EN 50128.
  • Efficiently achieve compliance with DISA STIG security guidelines. New static analysis test configuration brings awareness of security threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Apply CMake integration scripts and simplify integration of the Parasoft code coverage tool into CMake based builds.
  • Plain archive files to package, manage, and easily deploy the installation of C/C++test Professional for hundreds of users.
  • Expanded test support into IAR Systems’ build toolchain for Linux for Arm (BXARM), the latest release of QNX SDP (version 7.1), and Green Hills Compiler for ARM version 2020.x for static analysis and unit testing, and the Integrity version of the compiler for static analysis.


At Embedded World Congress Parasoft will be presenting the following sessions:

  • Maximizing the Value of Static Analysis for Modern Development, ID 10550, Thursday, Mar 4, 2021: Session 11, 14:30 - 15:00 (CET)
  • Using MQTT Based Adapters to Enable Testing for Industrial Applications (IIoT), ID 10568, Thursday, Mar 4, 2021: Session 11, 17:15 - 17:45 (CET)

About Parasoft


Über Parasoft (www.parasoft.com) :

Parasoft, seit 1987 führend bei Automated Software Testing, liefert innovative Tools, die zeitaufwändige Tests automatisieren und dem Management die intelligente Analytik für die Konzentration auf das Wesentliche zur Verfügung stellen. Die Technologien von Parasoft verringern den Zeit-, Arbeits- und Kostenaufwand für die Ablieferung sicherer, zuverlässiger und konformer Software durch die Integration von statischer Analyse und Laufzeit-Analyse, Modul-, Funktions-, API-Tests und UI-Tests mit Selenium sowie Service-Virtualisierung. Parasoft unterstützt Software-Unternehmen bei der Entwicklung und dem Deployment von Applikationen auf dem Embedded-, Enterprise- und IoT-Markt. Mit seinen Testwerkzeugen für Entwickler, seinen Report- und Analyse-Werkzeugen für Manager und seinen Dashboard-Lösungen für Führungskräfte gibt Parasoft Organisationen die Möglichkeit, die strategisch wichtigsten Entwicklungs-Initiativen von heute (Agile, Continuous Testing, DevOps und Security) erfolgreich umzusetzen.


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