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REACh: Now 219 SVHCs on ECHA Candidate List

Agentur Lorenzoni News Details

Published by by Beate Lorenzoni

FBDi points out information and notification obligations for affected companies

In July, ECHA added eight new substances to the REACh candidate list, which now comprises 219 substances. Because of their reproductive toxicity, carcinogenicity and respiratory sensitization properties, they are considered 'Substances of Very High Concern' - substances of very high concern with regard to human health or the environment. Companies must comply with legal obligations and ensure the safe use of these chemicals.

The Candidate List is a list of substances of very high concern that are candidates for authorization. These are potential candidates for Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation on substances subject to authorization, which currently contains 54 entries. For the use of these substances, a company must (in the future) apply for an authorization.

The FBDi association expressly points out information and notification obligations for affected companies from the relevant concentration limit onwards if a substance - either on its own, in mixtures or in articles - is included in the candidate list:

  • Importers and manufacturers of articles containing a candidate list substance have six months from the date of their inclusion in the list to notify ECHA.
  • Any supplier of articles on the EU market containing a candidate list substance above a concentration of 0.1% by weight must provide sufficient information or a safety sheet to its customers and consumers to enable safe use.
  • According to REACh Regulation Article 33, a supplier of such substances must, upon request, provide the consumer with at least the name of the substance within a period of 45 days.
  • Since January 2021, according to the EU Waste Framework Directive, every supplier has to notify ECHA if his products contain a SVHC.

To record these notifications, ECHA has set up the so-called SCIP database, which, in addition to consolidation, is also intended to allow customers and disposal companies to identify corresponding pollutants in the cycle, to avoid them or even to isolate them in disposal.

In addition, as of January 8, 2022, ECHA's evaluation practices are to become more transparent and predictable. To this end, the European Commission has revised certain information requirements for the registration of chemicals under REACh. The regulation entered into force on July 8 and will apply from January 8, 2022. ECHA plans to publish further guidance towards the end of 2021.

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