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New rules for more sustainable batteries
About Der FBDi e.V.

The FBDi e.V. – Fachverband der Bauelemente Distribution e.V. (Professional Association of Component Distribution), founded in 2003, is well-established in the German association community and represents a large portion of distributors of electronic components with operations in Germany. In addition to the preparation and advancement of numerical data and statistics concerning the German distribution market for electronic components, competence teams engagement and reporting on important industry themes (amongst others, education, liability and rights, traceability, and environmental themes) form essential pillars of the association’s work. The FBDi is a member of the International Distribution of Electronics Association (IDEA).
Member companies (as per January 2022):
Regular members: Acal BFi Germany; AL-Elektronik Distribution; Arrow Europe; Avnet EMG EMEA; Beck Elektronische Bauelemente; Blume Elektronik Distribution; Bürklin Elektronik; CODICO; Conrad Electronic; Distrelec; Ecomal Europe; Endrich Bauelemente; EVE; Future Electronics Deutschland; Glyn; Gudeco Elektronik; Haug Components Holding; Hy-Line Holding; JIT electronic; Kruse Electronic Components; MB Electronic; MEDI Kabel; Memphis Electronic; Menges Electronic; MEV Elektronik Service; mewa electronic; Mouser Electronics; Neumüller Elektronik; pk components; Püplichhuisen; RS Components; Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente; Schukat electronic; TTI Europe.
Supporting members: TDK Europe, Recom.