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Neumüller Elektronik relies on FBDi

Agentur Lorenzoni Details

Published by by Beate Lorenzoni

"We were looking for advice in dealing with various EU issues"

Uwe Fischer, Managing Director, Neumüller Eletronik GmbH

Neumüller Elektronik GmbH, a leading design-in distributor for electronic components and systems with over 65 years of industry experience, has joined the professional association of component distribution, FBDi. The company employs roughly 65 people at three locations in Germany and one sales office in Austria. It identifies optoelectronics, plus in-depth know-how in the fields of electromechanics, power supply, high reliability, alarm & acoustics and RFID as its core competence areas. Neumüller Elektronik decided to join FBDi on recommendation, as it sought advice on how to deal with various complex EU issues.

“FBDi membership is extremely attractive, as nowhere else do companies, and especially distributors, benefit from so much expertise in environment and quality-related areas. We believe the professional exchange in the competence teams will enhance our day-to-day business activities. This is also where the offered specific guidelines with recommended actions come into play,” says Uwe Fischer, Managing Director Neumüller Elektronik GmbH. “We also appreciate the fact that we can participate in the discussions, thereby contributing in a broader sense to the ‘common voice’ of the association when dealing with official institutions.”

Neumüller Elektronik not only provides the components and systems but also focuses on design-in support for various markets and industries, including lighting, medical technology & life science, automation plus many more. Guided by its motto ‘You know what you want. We know what you need.’ the specialist offers holistic solution competence. The proven process chain includes the eight steps of product development, including adjustments and continuous optimisation of the finished product. The distributor therefore ensures that every product and special solution meets the high expectations of its customers. The success of Neumüller Elektronik can be found in the right strategies, the right decisions and its reliable partners.

FBDi’s standing in the industry, its recommended actions on an array of topics pertaining to public institutions and the possibility of co-determination in industry positioning also made the membership highly attractive. Further, FBDi offers component distribution an ideal platform as a discussion forum, as a supplier of meaningful market figures and when it comes to consolidating its position within the value chain.

About Der FBDi e.V.

About FBDI e.V.:

About FBDI e. V. (www.fbdi.de):

The FBDi e.V. – Fachverband der Bauelemente Distribution e.V. (Professional Association of Component Distribution), founded in 2003, is well-established in the German association community and represents a large portion of distributors of electronic components with operations in Germany. In addition to the preparation and advancement of numerical data and statistics concerning the German distribution market for electronic components, work group engagement and reporting on important industry themes (amongst others, education, liability and rights, traceability, and environmental themes) form essential pillars of the association’s work. The FBDi is a member of the International Distribution of Electronics Association (IDEA).

Member companies (as per January 2019):

Regular members: Acal BFi Germany; Arrow Europe; Avnet EMG EMEA; Beck Elektronische Bauelemente; Blume Elektronik Distribution; Bürklin Elektronik; CODICO; Conrad Electronic; Distrelec; Ecomal Europe; Endrich Bauelemente; EVE; Future Electronics Deutschland;  Glyn; Gudeco Elektronik; Haug Components Holding; Hy-Line Holding; JIT electronic; Kruse Electronic Components; MB Electronic; Memphis Electronic; Menges Electronic; MEV Elektronik Service; mewa electronic; Mouser Electronics; pk components; Püplichhuisen; RS Components; Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente; Ryosan Europe; Schukat electronic; TTI Europe.

Supporting members: TDK Europe.


Information about FBDi:

Andreas Falke, CEO, Nassauische Str. 65 A, 10717 Berlin; a.falke@fbdi.de


Media contact: 

Agentur Lorenzoni GmbH, Public Relations, Landshuter Str. 29, 85435 Erding;

ph: +49 8122 55917-0, www.lorenzoni.de; Beate Lorenzoni-Felber, beate@lorenzoni.de


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