+49 8122 559170

Parasoft at embedded world: booth 4-378

Agentur Lorenzoni News Aktueller Artikel

Veröffentlicht von Beate Lorenzoni

Use the best software test automation solution for your organization‘s development

Parasoft at embedded world: booth 4-378

At embedded world 2023, Parasoft will demonstrate its leadership in offering the most complete support for MISRA C 2012 Amendment 3, including an early permitted draft version of MISRA C++ 202X.  Parasoft C/C++test offers modern software test automation capabilities made for today’s Agile DevOps workflows that seamlessly integrate into any organization's CI/CD pipeline. Additionally, Parasoft offers tight integrations within each developer's IDE and containerized deployments in support of all possible development ecosystems and use case scenarios to detect defects earlier and automatically enforce compliance with industry standards like ISO 26262, DO-178C, IEC 62304, IEC 61508, and EN 50128.


Parasoft will exhibit its unique approach to software testing and unparalleled coverage for industry coding standards in MISRA C 2012, MISRA C++ 202X, AUTOSAR C++ 14, CERT C/C++, CWE, JSF, UL 2900 and more. The automated software testing company increases productivity and quality results, which can be observed through its automatically generated compliance reports and dynamic, industry-specific analytics dashboards.


Parasoft’s expertise in development and testing of embedded safety- and security-critical applications will be showcased at the EWC session, “Does MISRA Help Create Safety-Critical Systems That Use Both C & C++?”

Über Parasoft


Parasoft provides innovative tools that automate time-consuming testing tasks and provide management with intelligent analytics necessary to focus on what matters. Parasoft’s technologies reduce the time, effort, and cost of delivering secure, reliable, and compliant software, by integrating static and runtime analysis; unit, functional, and API testing; and service virtualization. Parasoft supports software organizations as they develop and deploy applications in the embedded, enterprise and IoT markets. With developer testing tools, manager reporting/analytics, and executive dashboarding, Parasoft enables organizations to succeed in today’s most strategic development initiatives — agile, continuous testing, DevOps, and security.


Über uns

Klarheit, Kooperation und Können – das sind unsere Zutaten für Kompetenz: Klare und ehrliche Kommunikation, kooperative und partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit sowie ein kreatives und umsetzungsstarkes Team, das Dinge mit der Kundenbrille betrachtet. Genau das wissen unsere langjährigen Kunden zu schätzen.


Agentur Lorenzoni GmbH
Landshuter Straße 29
85435 Erding
Tel.: +49 8122 55917-0
Fax: +49 8122 55917-29
eMail: pr@lorenzoni.de

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