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Rutronik receives award again!

Agentur Lorenzoni News Aktueller Artikel

Veröffentlicht von Manuela Markiewitz

Kontron honors Rutronik´s achievement with "Best Motherboard Distributor" award

Handover of the "Best Motherboard Distributor" award.
From left to right: Thomas Stanik (Kontron), Thorsten Engel (Rutronik), Peter Hoser (Kontron) and Anja Schaal (Rutronik)

One of the world's leading suppliers of IoT/embedded computer technology and a long-standing partner, Kontron, recognizes Rutronik's achievements and again awards the broadline distributor as "Best Motherboard Distributor". Especially the consulting services, the reliable supply of existing customers, and the acquisition of new customers were key factors for the award.

Every year Kontron presents the "Best Motherboard Distributor" award and honors outstanding performance. Rutronik was once again successful in winning the award. The experts from the Boards & Storage division were convincing, particularly in consulting services, reliable delivery to existing customers, and the acquisition of new customers.

"Continuity in the life cycle and product quality characterize our motherboards. Nevertheless, continuity also marks the outstanding performance of our 'Best Motherboard Distributor' Rutronik. Despite challenging business conditions like post-COVID and an uncertain world situation, Rutronik has achieved best performance in 2022 again. Consulting services, continuous supply to existing customers, and the energy and motivation to acquire new customers are core elements that we appreciate so much about our partner. Our thanks therefore go to the entire Corporate and Regional Rutronik Boards & Storage team," comments Peter Hoser, Vice President Product Center Boards at Kontron.

"Awards demonstrate that the chosen path is the right one. Especially when you win them repeatedly. It is even more valuable when you know the wide variety of challenges that the electronics industry faces. The basis of this success is the trusting cooperation, the high-quality products 'Made in Germany' and our expertise, which we offer both to existing and new customers," adds Anja Schaal, Senior Manager Product Marketing Boards & Storage at Rutronik.

About Kontron
Kontron is a global leader in IoT/Embedded Computing Technology (ECT). Kontron offers individual solutions in the areas of Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 through a combined portfolio of hardware, software and services. With its standard and customized products based on highly reliable state-of-the-art technologies, Kontron provides secure and innovative applications for a wide variety of industries. As a result, customers benefit from accelerated time-to-market, lower total cost of ownership, extended product lifecycles and the best fully integrated applications.

Über Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH

Rutronik Electronics Worldwide Logo

Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH was founded in 1973 and is an independent family-owned company. Thanks to the positive economic development over the past 45 years, the company is now one of the world‘s leading broadline distributors. In the 2021 fiscal year, its more than 1,800 employees generated a turnover of 1.13 billion Euro. Rutronik is represented worldwide with more than 80 offices and can guarantee comprehensive customer support including Europe, Asia, and the USA.

The broad product portfolio includes semiconductors, passive and electromechanical components as well as embedded boards, storage & displays, and wireless products. The know-ledge of all product areas is bundled in the RUTRONIK AUTOMOTIVE, RUTRONIK EMBEDDED, RUTRONIK POWER, and RUTRONIK SMART divisions and both specific products and services tailored to the respective applications are offered. Competent technical support for product development and design-in right up to the research area, individual logistics & supply chain management solutions as well as comprehensive services complete the range of services. Customers also have access to the Rutronik24 e-commerce platform, where all articles can be found, as well as a procurement area and product change notifications. Further information is available at www.rutronik.com.


Über uns

Klarheit, Kooperation und Können – das sind unsere Zutaten für Kompetenz: Klare und ehrliche Kommunikation, kooperative und partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit sowie ein kreatives und umsetzungsstarkes Team, das Dinge mit der Kundenbrille betrachtet. Genau das wissen unsere langjährigen Kunden zu schätzen.


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85435 Erding
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