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Simulation solution with Connectivity Framework

Agentur Lorenzoni Artikel


Tenosar Corporation, SimBlocks.io and RTI demonstrate a GOAT solution

Example architecture for a virtual simulation environment.
Example architecture for a virtual simulation environment.

Real-Time Innovations (RTI), the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) connectivity company, announced that its Connext DDS software was selected as a part of several winning proposals submitted for the U.S. Army Synthetic Training Environment (STE) Program. These proposed solutions are for the Global Terrain/One World Terrain (OWT) project designed to assist the Department of Defense (DoD) with creating the most realistic, flexible and accurate representation of rural and urban environments.

The objective is to enable the defense forces to train in more realistic virtual environments, in drastically-reduced timeframes, while also decreasing government costs.

Tenosar Corporation and SimBlocks.io will demo their Globally Oriented Architecture Topology (GOAT) solution in partnership with Real-Time Innovations in March. The GOAT solution is an STE system architecture design leveraging leading COTS tools and innovation-enabling technology. 

GOAT is the first tool that will improve upon the current training landscape by integrating virtual terrains and mapping, while enabling interoperability between the platforms and simulators. Up until now, traditional simulation tools have relied on legacy, proprietary applications that have been unable to take advantage of the acceleration in technology. The GOAT solution will enable the DoD to move away from current system challenges, such as long terrain update times, limited numbers of entities and users, poor interoperability and high training overhead costs. It will replace disparate, legacy training simulators with a single extensible simulation baseline following Modular Open System Architecture (MOSA) best practices. The STE architecture will provide training for aircrews, vehicle trainers, dismounted soldiers, aviation collective training, combined arms maneuver training and close-combat tactical training using the latest technology for distributed physics, augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), artificial intelligence (AI) and commercial game engines.

Connext DDS will serve as the backbone of the MOSA solution. Leveraging Real-Time Innovation’s connectivity software and COTS tools will improve overall system affordability by reducing integration times, lowering maintenance costs, promoting software and data reusability and increasing business competition. Connext DDS was also included in several other winning proposals with the largest aerospace and defense companies. 

Connext DDS meets the advanced requirements of the STE program by supporting software portability, time-critical data distribution across diverse network types and interoperability across disparate platforms. It also offers the capability to seamlessly connect LVC-IA legacy trainers, live TADDS, Mission Critical Information Systems and authoritative data sources within the larger Army Enterprise. This connectivity approach enhances legacy communication models with plug-and-play interoperability, real-time Quality of Service (QoS), fine-grained security and optimized data transfer through intelligent filtering.

Tenosar and SimBlocks.io, along with Real-Time Innovations, are proposing a partial solution for collective training that will cover and focus on technology for global terrain generation, training simulation software, distributed networking and high entity count simulation.

Über Real-Time Innovations (RTI), Inc.


Real-Time Innovations is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) connectivity company. The RTI Connext® databus is a software framework that shares information in real time, making applications work together as one, integrated system. It connects across field, fog and cloud. Its reliability, security, performance and scalability are proven in the most demanding industrial systems. Deployed systems include medical devices and imaging; wind, hydro and solar power; autonomous planes, trains and cars; traffic control; Oil and Gas; robotics, ships and defense.

RTI is the largest vendor of products based on the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service™ (DDS) standard. RTI is privately held and headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.


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