+49 8122 559170

RTI Webinar: Security in Medical Systems

Agentur Lorenzoni Artikel

Veröffentlicht von Sabrina Hausner

March 31, 2020, 7 pm London Time / 2 pm EDT


Real-Time Innovations (RTI) announces the new webinar "Security: The Next Imperative in Medical Systems".

  • Date/Time: March 31, 2020, 7 pm London Time (2 pm EDT).

Hear more about how to clear the rising bar for cybersecurity in medical devices and hospital systems by using a fine-grained interconnectivity standard like DDS. The webinar will discuss its application to IoT systems in medical and other industries as well as the details of how the DDS security model works.

Find more information and registration for the webinar here.

Über Real-Time Innovations (RTI), Inc.


Real-Time Innovations is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) connectivity company. The RTI Connext® databus is a software framework that shares information in real time, making applications work together as one, integrated system. It connects across field, fog and cloud. Its reliability, security, performance and scalability are proven in the most demanding industrial systems. Deployed systems include medical devices and imaging; wind, hydro and solar power; autonomous planes, trains and cars; traffic control; Oil and Gas; robotics, ships and defense.

RTI is the largest vendor of products based on the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service™ (DDS) standard. RTI is privately held and headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.


Über uns

Klarheit, Kooperation und Können – das sind unsere Zutaten für Kompetenz: Klare und ehrliche Kommunikation, kooperative und partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit sowie ein kreatives und umsetzungsstarkes Team, das Dinge mit der Kundenbrille betrachtet. Genau das wissen unsere langjährigen Kunden zu schätzen.


Agentur Lorenzoni GmbH
Landshuter Straße 29
85435 Erding
Tel.: +49 8122 55917-0
Fax: +49 8122 55917-29
eMail: pr@lorenzoni.de

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